Tuesday 19 October 2010

Tuna and Pasta

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Sometimes I wonder if I should post specific dishes, they are too simple maybe to share with you my friends. But then I think this is my space and maybe I should post everything I cook, someone MIGHT like one of my Simple dishes, maybe?

This dish is one of my favourite, of course as long as there is pasta in a dish it is my favourite.

However my favourite pasta is not all favourite for my hubby, he can eat it but doesn't enjoy it as much as I do. He is into authentic dishes, and can resist some changes in our menu :D.. Therefore I often do it when he is not there, it is easy and so fast, it can take you around half an hour to get it ready, you can substitute it with chicken or minced meat..anyway lets start..

Pasta (around two glasses), any kind you prefer
One tin of tuna (In the gulf, I love al-alali tuna most, they're tasty)
1 medium-sized onion
2 onion gloves (mashed)
3 tbs olive oil
one tomato cut into small dices
1/2 tbs tomato puree
Around half a glass shredded carrot (one small carrot or half medium one)
Half a glass of sweet corn (optional)
Coriander/or parsley
Lemon juice/salt/pepper (the amount you prefer)
Chili sauce/powder (optional)
cheese (cheddar and/or cream) optional

كوبين معكرونة
علبة تونة
بصلة متوسطة
فصين ثوم مهروسين
3 ملاعق طعام زيت زيتون
طماطة مقطعة إلى مربعات
ملعقة او ملعقتين طعام معجون طماطم
نصف كوب جزر مبشور
نصف كوب ذرة
بقدونس او كزبرة
عصير ليمون- ملح-فلفل اسود او حار
جبن كريم او تشيدر

  • Boil the pasta as the way directed on the packet, I prefer boiling them a bit longer, as you boil pasta add a teaspoon of oil to avoid it sticking to each other
  • add the olive oil in your frying pan, add garlic and onion to it. fry till onion is soft and tender
  • add tomato and the puree and cover for five minutes or till it is almost soft
  • now add the carrot, sweet corn and tuna
  • cover for another five minutes
  • add salt/pepper/chili/coriander leaves
  • add lemon and cook for another one minute
  • optional, add cream cheese or cheddar at this point and cool to serve

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